« Back Why Pygame is good for development?

By vikas  |  Python Training  |  On 5/14/2018 9:48:19 PM

Forstudents undergoing Python training in Mumbai, they must have come across Pygame. It is one of the better-known set ofPython modules available for developers tor creating video games. Here arethree reasons why Pygame is a better choice of game development platform forbeginners

 1 – Codingis simplified

Students ofPython training in Mumbai would know that Pygame is based on Python, thehugely popular coding language worldwide. For young minds, they start off withwriting in one file and a single block of code. Prior to going into classes orfunctions, they can start with rudimentary code.

 Once the program starts growing long, the students will naturally try to break it intosmaller portions for better code management. By learning about programminglanguage syntax (minus the GUI and color component of HTML/CSS which can tend tobe distracting with its visual appeal). It’s better to start off with the commandbased programming via Python training in Mumbai to understand the basics ofprogramming before moving on to typography, colors, and fonts associated withHTML/CSS.

 2 – Easy toinstall

Pygame isone of the few languages where the package is pretty easy to install and getstarted. Even universal configuration hardly takes any time. Students of Pythontraining in Mumbai can use Python Wheels and see Pygame un-package itselfthe right way without much hassles.

 You canalso, visit Pygame installation documentation in case you run into any issuesduring the package installation. Compare this to an alternative like Phaser,and what you see is that you need a lot of things to do to configure JavaScriptwithin the HTML / CSS document. Also, Phaser based HTML applications will notrender properly on the browser because of the same-origin policy.   

 3 – Betteridentification of global variables

In Pythonand JavaScript it is easy to dynamically change the characteristic of thevariable. When it is assigned, a variable can become a string, float, ornumber. It is interesting to note for students of Python training in Mumbaithat both Python and JavaScript support local and global variables. In Python,the global variables are identified with a global keyword, in the case is itdefined inside a function. This makes the global variable easy to identify in ablock of code.

 Studentsundergoing Python training in Mumbai will now know why the game is betterat game development than alternatives like Phaser.

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