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By Ahsan Siddiqui  |  How to build a carrier in data science?  |  On 4/10/2019 11:54:16 AM

How to build a carrier in data science?

In today’s time as we all can notice, the more curve of the economy is towards the analytics; companies are focusing on collecting data for many years. There is a great demand for people who have the ability of data mining and who can interpret data and bring out positive and useful insights out of it.

Introduction to data scientist

Before you plan to start your career in the data science field, it is very important to understand what data science is and who is a data scientist. A data scientist is a combination of a mathematician along with a trend-spotter and a computer scientist. The main role of the data scientist is to analyze huge and complex datasets and further do exploration on them and get useful insights and find out the ongoing trends and meaning of all the predictions. With the help of these results, companies can decide their action plan and leverage it out.

Roles in data science

There are many levels of roles you can work out at after becoming a data scientist. Some of the popular job titles are as follows:

    Data mining engineer

The role of data mining engineer is to mine not only the company’s data for which he or she works but also the third-party data. In order to properly analyze the data, mining engineer will develop algorithms.

•Business intelligence analyst

The role of BI analyst is to figure out trends of the market by data analyzing to find the position of the company.

•   Data Architect

They work with developers, designers, and users in order to create a blueprint of data that will be used by database management systems in order to maintain the data sources.

•  Data scientist

They begin by converting the business problem into an analytics case study and then try understanding the data and explore various patterns to find impact over the business. Further, solutions are devised to help in the growth of the company.

What are the skills required to become a data scientist?

If you are planning to start a career in data science, there are few skills that you need to be an expert in k=like data analysis, machine learning, Hadoop and statistics, etc. Other than these technical skills, you also need to be good at persuasive communication, critical thinking and very importantly you should be a quick problem solver and a good listener. Also, it will be good to take up the data science training course.

The scope of the data scientist in the job market

Data science is an industry which is full of opportunities. All you need to have is quality education and complete qualifications and plenty of jobs are there waiting for you. The data scientist job has become the hottest job of today’s era. The complete world is data-driven now and companies use the insights provided by their data scientists to stay ahead of their competitors. Big brands like Apple, Oracle, Microsoft, Amazon, and Walmart, etc have regular openings for the skilled data scientists.

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