« Back Can Data Science Address The Challenges to Cybersecurity?

By Harshita  |  Data science and Analytics  |  On 12/6/2018 11:47:04 AM

Can Data Science Address The Challenges to Cybersecurity?

•    99% of computers are prone to cybersecurity crimes

•    An evaluation of the cost of cybercrime is up to $1 billion

•    1 billion malware-based incidents occurred between June to November’16


The sophisticated technology is employed by the cybercriminal, who tend to hack the confidential data systems and also deploy the covert malware in order to make the traditional tools like SIEM totally ineffective. The cybersecurity tools which are available are unable to detect and protect the malware which is why data science is used to create an impact and help from the cybersecurity issues. Data science basically helps in detecting the safe and unsafe network which can be an indicator of a cybercrime. Mostly all the websites can be protected from these cyber crimes by securing a few core principles, one such web hosting is Hostpresto.

Here are some of the uses of data science to address cybersecurity challenges:

Statistical Methodology

It is considered to be a part of data science which tends to use the mathematical techniques and models to get a statistical analysis of the raw data by extracting essential information from the research data and finds ways to asses them. This method can provide a lot of growth in terms of cybersecurity which can be obtained if there is any detection of unusual behavior in these statistical models already examined.

Critical Framework For Cybersecurity

The National Institute of Standards and Technology came up with a framework in order to incorporate data science into cybersecurity, which aims to achieve the following:

•    If there is any probability of attacks, the organizations can tend to save their respective assets and also assess the consequences of such attacks which will help them in not only equipping well-developed models but also to have a proper action plan.

•    The firewalls have been developed in order to protect and safeguard the information. But when we look at it from the data science point of view, algorithms will be required in order to identify the patterns which will help in developing specific signatures to block.

•    A data-based system is required in order to trigger a response and also to identify the problems prevailing within the network

•    Data scientists need to be very well expertise in their fields in order to utilize and process the information from the response in case of the data breach. This will help in analyzing how effective is the response and also provide a possible solution for the same. ( The data scientists need to be highly qualified, for which they can take pieces of training from Imarticus Learnings that provides the best data science training in Mumbai and data science training in Pune)

•    Another option is also where these data scientists can be indulged in the continuity of business which is also one of the very important aspects of breaching of data.


Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis tends to use a lot of techniques like modeling, statistics, data mining, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in order to scrutinize the data to make certain predictions about the near future. The frontiers of predictive analysis can be useful in providing crucial insights to data science to protect against the innovative model creations by cybercriminals in order to make bigger scale cyber-attacks. They can also help in monitoring activities across multiple networks and also real-time data streams to identify the threats. Predictive analysis can help in detecting the anomalies immediately in data flows and network traffic, despite the fact that a huge volume of data is involved while predicting and identifying the security threats.

In order to use such techniques the personnel needs to get proper training in such fields, the best ones of which in India are the data science training in Pune and data science training in Mumbai. Though cybercrimes tend to grow each day, the results data science has shown in reference to cybersecurity is remarkable. It is also said that the further development of new technology will provide much more protection in terms of cybersecurity.

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